I'm currently a Data Science Team Lead at Geisinger, as a part of the Geisinger Informatics AI/ML team, working remotely from New York City.

I graduated from Columbia University in 2021 with a PhD in Biomedical Informatics, working with Dr. Lena Mamykina, where my dissertation research was at the intersection of data science and human computer interaction in health. 

Previously, I worked in technical services at Epic in Madison, WI, and studied Psychology and Cognitive Science at Carleton College in Northfield, MN.

Recent Updates

  • AMIA AI Evaluation Showcase

    I was thrilled to present our work at Geisinger on AI-powered Case Management programs at the American Medica Informatics Association (AMIA) Clinical Informatics Conference (CIC) as a part of the AMIA AI Evaluation Showcase.

  • NIH Long COVID Computational Challenge (L3C)

    Along with 5 other awesome data scientists at Geisinger, our team’s submission won second place in the NIH Long COVID Computational Challenge (L3C)! Check out our submission on GitHub.

  • Hearst Health Prize

    The Geisinger AI/ML team was selected as a top 3 finalist in the 2022 Hearst Health Prize on the mertits of 3 projects that I’ve worked on closely since joining the Geisinger team.

  • AMIA Doctoral Dissertation Award

    I’m honored that my thesis at Columbia was selected as the runner-up (Honorable Mention) for the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Doctoral Dissertation Award